“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
The Heart of a Missionary
As a single, Jesus lovin’, pretty (or so I’ve been told), young lady, I often am the recipient of awkward compliments and questions… such as “How are you still single?” “Whoever marries you will be a lucky man!” “Are there any young men in your life?” “Do you like being single?” “Do you ever want to get married?” And my personal favorite… “I need to introduce you to my son!”
As awkward as these sometimes are… I get a kick out of it every time I hear them and I honestly love when people bring the topic up because it gives me a chance to share a bit more of my heart with them. Like most young girls, my perfect future involved a handsome husband, adorable children, a big house and a perfect storybook life. Shortly after college, I thought I was at last arriving at this magical moment where that dream was finally going to come true. My fairytale story seemed to be falling into place! It quickly became clear God had other plans though, and as everything I had built up came crashing down around me, at the very ancient age of 23 I thought my life was over. In my despair I turned to the Lord, the only stable thing in my life at the time, and in the sweet pages of his word, slowly but surely, I began to pick up the pieces. Out of the ashes of my crushed heart began to rise a passionate, beautiful vessel ready to be poured out for the Lord and only the Lord! The secret to this transformation? I had learned to abide in Christ Jesus, my Savior and Father!
See, in the loneliest moments, as I lay awake, soaked in my own tears at all ungodly hours of the night, with no one around but me and God, it was then that I would hear the whispers of his word prick my heart. Just like a little child in the loving, comforting embrace of a parent, I learned to sink in to those whispers of comfort as they wrapped me in instant peace and safety, gently quieting my heart and allowing my body to rest. Here I am, four years later, and praise the Lord I am still abiding in Christ and oh how it has changed my life! It is the source of my hope and peace in every trial since. Be it loosing dearly loved ones, job opportunities and travel plans falling through, navigating global pandemics and isolation, the loneliness that comes from friends and ministry partners being scattered across the globe, and even on occasion struggling with the fact that yes, I am 27 and still single, I have seen that I can endure all my trials when I abide in Christ. Furthermore, it allows me to walk forward in peace and confidence, without fear, in a world of uncertainty because my hope and assurance is eternal. It is not bound to this temporary world of trials. My hope, my identity, is found in Christ Jesus and the promise of his resurrection!
Coco’s Commentary
March 2020 saw us all stopped in our tracks as COVID-19 swept the globe into a flurry of sickness, death, uncertainty, and major cultural changes. Michelle and I have been no exception to this, and safety for us, our team, and the children is our #1 priority! Our August Trip to Kenya was cancelled, and the question of whether we will be able to travel to see our beloved children in 2021 still hangs in limbo. We will definitely be keeping you all in the loop as things change and plans are made. Meanwhile, we are hard at work pushing forward prepping for when we are able to start New Life Camps again. As the scriptures say, man makes his plans, but the Lord directs his steps… Please join us as we keep abiding in Christ as Michelle explained above, and begin to move forward as if we will be able to travel next year. Keep checking my virtual map for the latest updates on our travel plans! And don’t worry, COVID-19 may be affecting our travel, but it certainly hasn’t affected our style! I am still taking selfies… just now they include this adorable mask Michelle made me! Au Revoir!
Prayer Pit Stop
For wisdom for Michelle, Sandy, and Remember Nhu Leadership as they make decisions in the face of the continuing global pandemic.
For Michelle’s fundraising campaign and navigating the obstacles of how to raise support amiss social distancing and tight economic times.
For the children, House Parents, and International Workers who look forward to New Life Camp as much as Michelle and I do!